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Payroll Services
To Suit
Your Needs


Full Payroll Services

Experience streamlined payroll management with our full payroll service. We can handle the entire payroll process, starting from processing authorised timesheets to generating seamless ABA files for swift banking uploads. Rest easy knowing that pay advice is efficiently uploaded to individual employee profiles, and a copy is promptly sent to designated Accounts Managers. Our dedicated team manages any reversals and adjustments, ensuring accuracy at every step. Plus, we seamlessly integrate Single Touch Payroll compliance, keeping you up-to-date with regulatory requirements.


Trust us to navigate the complexities of your payroll, while you focus on your business's growth.


Reporting Services

Unlock valuable insights into your payroll data through our reporting services. We offer an array of essential reports, including Payment Summary Superannuation Contributions, Tax Reports, Leave Histories, and Leave Liabilities. Our comprehensive Audit Reporting enhances your compliance strategy, and Employee Masterfile Details allows a deep understanding of your workforce.

Our tailored reports offer customised data representation, empowering you with actionable information that equips you to make informed decisions, and strengthens your overall payroll management approach.


Ongoing Support + Services

Our commitment extends beyond payroll processing. With our ongoing support and services, we can guide you through seamless employee onboarding, including managing changes like CPI increases, Super contribution adjustments, and tax table updates. Our expertise shines as we assist you with the Humanforce application and provide dedicated payroll support for Fair Work enquiries and Award interpretation. Individual employee audits ensure accuracy, while we stand ready to address ATO queries on your behalf.


Count on us for comprehensive support, empowering you with knowledge and resources for effective payroll governance.

Delivering Real Business Outcomes

Our comprehensive range of skills and services, delivers real business results for you.

Increase Your Efficiency

Control Costs

Empower Your Team

Manage Compliance

Our Solutions

At APS we offer a platform where engaged employees and exceptional business outcomes come together in real time.

City Sky


Get in touch with us today, and let us tailor a payroll package for you and your business' needs.

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